Materials Technical Committee

Materials Technical Committee

TMMA’s marking materials committee seeks to advance the road marking industry’s role in creating a safe, reliable and sustainable roadway network. The committee currently has three permanent subcommittees that include:

  • The vulnerable road user subcommittee, which seeks to improve the role of road marking systems, condition monitoring and advocacy for vulnerable road users that includes workers, cyclists, pedestrians and micro-mobility);
  • The connected and automated vehicle subcommittee, which identifies areas where road marking system standardization and material optimization improves the role of road markings in supporting computer vision and other sensor technologies;
  • The sustainability subcommittee, which seeks to better understand and address issues associated with road marking material life cycle stages and their impact on the environment.

Committee Members:

Committee Chair
Michael Boeger, Crown USA
[email protected]

Staff Liaison
Robert Dingess
[email protected]

Vulnerable Road User Subcommittee
Eric Greyson, PPG (Chair)
[email protected]

CAV Subcommittee
Erica Everett, Dow (Chair)
[email protected]

Alastair Powell, SWARCO
[email protected]

Communications Subcommittee

The purpose of the communications subcommittee is to help promote TMMA not only within the transportation industry, but with external audiences including the general public, the media and those who serve as local, state and federal elected officials. The committee also develops marketing and public affairs strategies, press releases, videos, brochures, reports and detailed studies to help advance TMMA’s position as the leader in the pavement marking industry. The committee also oversees the design and content of TMMA’s website.

Committee Members:

Committee Chair
Candice Birch, Potters Industries

Staff Liaison
James Scott Baron
[email protected]

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